
In Satta Matka, a Pana is a set of three digits. The Pana Count is the total of these digits, expressed as A+B+C=X. If X is a single digit (less than nine), it's the Pana Count. If X is two digits (e.g., XY), we add them to get Z. If Z is still two digits, we continue adding until we have a single-digit Pana Count. For example, Pana 170 has a Count of 8 (1+7+0=8), and Pana 179 has a Count of 8 (1+7+9=17, then 1+7=8). Understanding Pana Count is important for making informed Satta Matka bets.



118, 127, 136, 145, 190,
226, 235, 244, 280, 334,
370, 460, 550, 100, 777,
199, 289, 379, 388, 469,
478, 559, 568, 577, 667

299, 389, 479, 488, 569,
578, 668, 677, 119, 128,
137, 146, 155, 227, 236,
245, 290, 335, 344, 380,
470, 560, 110, 200, 444

399, 489, 579, 588, 669,
678, 129, 138, 147, 156,
228, 237, 246, 255, 336,
345, 390, 480, 570, 660,
120, 300, 111

499, 589, 679, 688, 778,
139, 148, 157, 166, 229,
238, 247, 256, 337, 346,
355, 445, 490, 580, 670,
112, 130, 220, 400, 888

599, 689, 779, 788, 149,
158, 167, 239, 248, 257,
266, 338, 347, 356, 446,
455, 590, 680, 770, 113,
122, 140, 230, 500, 555

699, 789, 159, 168, 177,
249, 258, 267, 339, 348,
357, 366, 447, 456, 690,
780, 114, 123, 150, 240,
330, 600, 222

799, 889, 169, 178, 259,
268, 277, 349, 358, 367,
448, 457, 466, 556, 790,
880, 115, 124, 133, 160,
223, 250, 340, 700, 999

899, 179, 188, 269, 278,
359, 368, 377, 449, 458,
467, 557, 566, 890, 116,
125, 134, 170, 224, 233,
260, 350, 440, 800, 666

189, 279, 288, 369, 378,
459, 468, 477, 558, 567,
990, 117, 126, 135, 144,
180, 225, 234, 270, 360,
450, 900, 333