
The history of Satta Matka is a fascinating blend of myths, facts, and deep-rooted beliefs, shaping the Indian gambling industry during the 1900s and contributing to the growth of the Southeast Asian Satta industry. It's important to understand that Satta Matka isn't merely a game; at times, it can hold the power to influence your destiny for years to come. The substantial financial stakes and real estate involved in Satta are staggering.
"Satta" is a Hindi term that closely resembles "gambling" or "betting." Its origins can be traced back to Mumbai in the mid-90s. Satta Matka was initially practiced shortly after India gained independence, with bets placed on the opening and closing rates of the New York Stock Exchange. This historical journey demonstrates how Satta Matka has evolved into an integral part of Indian culture and the gaming landscape, carrying with it a rich tapestry of traditions and stories.


Kalyanji Bhagat holds the esteemed title of the "father of matka gambling" for his pioneering role in coining the term "Satta Matka." In the early days, Kalyanji Bhagat accepted bets from individuals across the country, focusing on the opening and closing rates of cotton traded on the New York wholesale market. However, during the mid-90s, the New York Stock Exchange ceased transmitting cotton rates to the Bombay cotton exchange, creating a significant gap between bettors and those who accepted bets.
Recognizing an opportunity, Kalyanji Bhagat took matters into his own hands. He established his Satta Matka market, featuring open and close results, which he would personally declare. This market, known as Kalyan and Worli, became a game-changer. Kalyanji Bhagat would announce the results using a random selection of three cards, conducted openly in front of a live audience. This transparent approach earned him the trust of the people and solidified his reputation as the matka king he is known as today.
The term "Satta Matka" itself originated from Kalyanji Bhagat's method of writing down numbers and placing them inside a pot, or "matka." He would then draw these numbers at random to announce the results for the Kalyan and Worli Satta markets. This historical journey illustrates the ingenuity and innovation that paved the way for the Satta Matka industry we know today.


Satta Matka owes its inception to the visionary Kalyanji Bhagat, a pioneer in the Indian gambling industry. During the mid-90s, he began accepting bets for his markets, namely Worli and Kalyan. Kalyanji Bhagat played a pivotal role in shaping the history of gambling in India. His dedication and innovation elevated the game to a level of perfection and efficiency that it enjoys today.
Remarkably, Kalyanji Bhagat's legacy lives on through his family, who continue to oversee and maintain the Satta Matka markets. Their unwavering commitment ensures that his pioneering spirit endures, leaving an indelible mark on the world of Satta Matka.